A Coven Of Dragon Magyck and Witchcraft

Based in the northern suburbs of Adelaide, South Australia, formed at Lughnassadh, 2001. We practice Dragon Tradition Witchcraft and hold teaching circles and study groups for those who wish to learn our ways and pagan related subjects.

We have given much thought to the possibility of teaching our path online. After much deliberation we have come to the conclusion that for the benefit of students and our Grove, this is just not a viable option. Draconic Witchcraft is a path best taught the old way...face to face with one's mentor and Grove.


A couple of very exciting announcements....

1. Adalinda is  hiving a grove in July 2012 for those among us who wish to continue without new acolytes. (we wish them great joy and success!) It is felt by some that the energies of the current group work so well together, they wish to keep the membership static. This means that those who join us in the near future will have opportunities within our grove to hold offices that will shortly become available. As Adalinda is a teaching Grove, some of us will remain with Adalinda to welcome new members both with and without prior Draconic training.

2. We have introduced a Master/Mistress of Art programme. Those who have pre-existing expertise or who are prepared to study a specific area of pagan/magickal knowledge will be awarded this title and become our groves resident "expert". For example, if one gained great knowledge in one or more of the divinatory arts, they would be "Mistress/Master of Divination" and could provide knowledge and readings for others. This honour is open to acolytes with pre-existing knowledge or to members after demonstrating their skills. This title will have recognition on their sash and other benefits to them and our grove.

Find us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/groups/178253892302592/

 Introducing just a few of our Grove members......

Elder Draco Magister (EDM) Shanaurme Yoan, has studied many forms of Witchcraft and Wicca (HPs of covens of Green Witchcraft, Eclectic Wicca, Dragon Wicca and Witchcraft and Shadow Path Witchcraft. ) since discovering her path as a pagan in her early teens. 

Now in her late forties, leads the Adalinda Clan-Grove as High Priestess and co mentor and guide of our pagan study group. 

 Elder Draco Magister Shean Oma has studied and mentored Draconic Witchcraft and pagan subjects for the past ten years. Her association with Adelinda 

has been a long and fruitful one. She has served as HPs for her own coven for approx. 5 years and has studied women's spirituality as part of her 

university education.

 Mage Sharaurbe has been a member of our clan for two years and is our clan Maiden. Her passion and empathy for animals knows no bounds. She has the gift of Sight which has proven to be a great asset to our clan and to herself and family.

 Acolyte Ranshal is the life partner of EDM Shanaurme Yoan. He is a gifted intuitive tarot reader and scribe.

 Draco Shaloma Lyn is presently interstate and greatly missed. Her ability to communicate with the ancestors and those who have passed beyond the veil is only one of her abilities. Her wisdom and wit are legendary.

Our founding Grove members February, 2001. 

A coven name change, a few left to hive a new coven and some new faces joined but we are still going strong!


Ranks in Dragon Magick

The hierarchy system for the Clan I trained with is not the same for every dragon Clan. The titles that are listed here may or may not translate over into another tradition of dragon magick.

A note on the sashes: not everyone can sew or even owns a sewing machine. If this is the case for you, you may replace the sash with a cord. This cord is worn draped over the shoulders for ritual, not tied around the waist.

Acolyte (Coepi) - This is an Initiate, a person who has completed all the lessons of the Clan and has dedicated themselves to this path. They wear the white sash, which is coloured for the element Air showing that they have gained knowledge. Year 1.

Mage (Sacerdotis) - A Priest or Priestess of the Clan, there is only one word for it and not one for each sex. Sacerdotis wear a red sash showing that they have made it through the fire, the trials and tribulations, of their first year. You must be an active practitioner of dragon magick through this time, which means invoking dragons in your ritual work and working with them as necessary. Your year begins the day that you begin studying, so that your time as coepi applies toward your sacerdotis status. Year 2.

Magister - This is a rank that not all practitioners choose to take, it is the level of Teacher. Not all sacerdotis feel the need to pass on the knowledge that they have learned. In order to teach the Clan lessons you must be a sacerdotis and receive permission from the head of the Clan. The sash colour that magisters wear is blue for water, showing the flowing of knowledge from one to another. This sash is worn in conjunction with whatever other level you are currently at. The title is also used in conjunction with the others - Sacerdotis Magister, Dominus Magister, and Majores Magister. A practitioner may choose to only apply the Magister title to their name however. Year 3 and beyond

Draco (Dominus) - This rank is a Master practitioner in the dragon Craft, one who has been an active practitioner for at least five years. It is at the time that one may branch off and create their own Clan and tradition. The colour sash that a dominus wears is green for earth, showing that they have proven themselves to be steady and stable.

Elder Draco (Majores) - This is the final rank that draconic practitioner can receive; it is the status of Elder. This is a person who has been an active practitioner for ten years. You do not have to have been a magister or a head of a Clan in order to reach this status; draconic practitioners honor those who have made a long term study and devotions to the Dragons. The sash a majores wears is black, for Chaos and for the energy of the Dragons.

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